Art in Hotel


The well-known and prestigious Grand Hotel Guinigi in Lucca asked for the contribution of the artist Francesco Zavattari and Cromology Italia for a restyling of the large reception area that welcomes guests.

Zavattari therefore conceived ad hoc four works framed on wood, two sculptures from the “(Mind) blowing” series and a large masonry work. The artist worked in harmony with Leonardo Pelagatti, head of the Color Design Center of Cromology Italia, selecting a suitable color palette. Cromology joined the project by supplying products from two of our most important brands, Baldini
Vernici and Viero Paints, not a random choice: on the one hand Baldini, one of the Italian spearheads among the paint products with strong local roots, on the other Viero, whose foreign market is a source of pride for Cromology.

These are the words of Irene Luvisi, owner of the hotel together with her family: “A wonderful project, which sees the collaboration of Cromology Italia, molded on the color scheme of the new hall and lounge, which fully embraces the values ​​of the Grand Hotel Guinigi, firm in tradition, but
with an eye to the future of a new hotel concept. “
So says Leonardo Pelagatti, Color Consultant, Head of the Color Design Center of Cromology Italia: “The collaboration with Francesco started several years ago and we immediately found ourselves in harmony: although he has a much more artistic vision and I much more technical- application of color, we have always found together the most suitable solution for all needs.
In this specific case, the color problem was quite important as we had to find a way to blend a complex palette, putting together apparently distant colors. The installation, which envisaged also making mobile works coexist, proved to be very complex, both in terms of size and lighting. We have chosen to use material components to emphasize Francesco’s artistic message: Viero products combined with those of Baldini Vernici to give particular effects, chromatic contrasts, a materiality of the element that goes beyond two dimensions, acquiring a real three-dimensionalism and not just a figurative one. “